173 Braley Hill Road

Sometimes homes that are on the market need some tender loving care in order for banks to consider loaning the money needed.

Here, Jason, our broker was able to represent his buyer through each step of the home buying process all the way through the closing transaction. 

This lovely country house in Rochester, Massachusetts was in need of some updating to roofing and siding. FHA financing proved to be the best route on this home purchase as it allows the home owners to finance a pool of money for the renovations.

The process of renovations and managing the financing and distributions for renovations are all being done by our broker Jay. In short time, the owners  will have a home that is tight, protected and shiny bright with a new coat of paint thanks to the guidance of Jay.

Many thanks to Winslow and Associates for their legal representation for our clients. They proved to be especially helpful when a title issue arose through the course of this transaction. AND a very special thank you to Peter DeFusco of First Eastern Mortgage for his valuable insight with regard to FHA loans and the process to approval.

If you are looking to buy or sell a home, Call Jason Lanagan at 1-508-985-889